Visual narratives and design thinking: Typography

A session in typography subject. I didn’t know that this term is about texts, fonts and their different scales and design. this is one of the most important issues in art direction and designing and even in art. it can reflect the expression of the concept. if there is no picture, then typography can express it.

What is typography?

According to google’s definition >>

the style and appearance of printed matter.
the art or procedure of arranging type or processing data and printing from it
typography is the visual art of creating written words. Before the digital age, typography was a rather specialized craft that was confined to the worlds of book and magazine design and a range of advertising and public works. Road signs, billboards and product packaging are some examples of where typography is used in the physical world.
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it can enable us to deliver emotions and it influence decision in purchasing. some different fonts such as
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how it can be so attractive in terms influencing in decision making, especially in branding?
it can express the brand, the concept and the product. can deliver the feeling of using the product and the outcomes of using it. it can show how the product is good and also it is to pull the customers to the brands and buying their product, in other words: to make them believe.
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can it be so extensive in terms of design and graphics?
Image result for what is typography
why it is important? because many brands with only their small logo have a lot to say. example?
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can it cover art also?
why not
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Fonts turn words into story.
what is the background of typography?
As civilizations advanced, the need to communicate complex concepts grew—hence the development of Egyptian hieroglyphics. By 3100 B.C., the Egyptians began incorporating symbols or ideograms into their art, architecture and writings. Also, by 1600 B.C. Phoenicians developed phonograms, or symbols used to represent spoken words.
it traces its roots back to hieroglyphs or pictograms. Used by ancient civilizations of the world to represent ideas, these images soon evolved into alphabets and phonographic writing, which led to the development of various typographic systems.
Ancient cave paintings that date back to 20,000 B.C. are perhaps the very first recorded written communication. However, formal writing is said to have been developed by the Sumerians at around 3,500 B.C.
It is Phoenicians who are credited with creating the very first alphabet and around 1000 B.C.—the same alphabet was used by the Greeks. In fact, the word Alphabet is a combination of the first two Greek letters, Alpha and Beta.
The Middle Ages ? >>>> were all about hand-written and well-illustrated manuscripts.
modern typography?
Johannes Gutenberg was a pioneer in the development of moveable type and the printing press in the 15th century which was a start point for the modern world—and modern typography. During this time, both practical and decorative typefaces appeared en masse, along with a lighter, more ordered page layout with subtle illustrations.
typefaces became larger and more attractive, with bolder lettering and shading—as well as experimental serif and sans serif typefaces.
how it could improve?
these days graphic designers can improve their skills to create more attractive and new designs in typography by having the knowledge of typographic history.
in branding section, it is actually matched with the type of product, concept and even colours. if it is luxurious, then for example the brand will appear as
Image result for luxury fonts and etc.
for each territory, even animations and cinema, it has different designs and it is a big world of fonts, sizes and colours. it is really important to study typography and have a logical knowledge about it. especially in the world of branding.
popular typography?
Akzidenz Grotesk
It can affect the viewers by the power of visualization and graphics.

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